BSUP01 Keine Tashi
KEINE Tashi is a character and set of vocal libraries developed for the shareware UTAU, a singing voice synthesizer. I developed KEINE Tashi over the course of several years, from 2012 to 2015. Three vocal libraries have been released to the public, the most used one being his JPN Power Extend one. On March 10th, 2017, I announced I would cease any kind of activity related to UTAU.
I’d like to also announce that from now on I am dropping my previous UTAU projects other than covers and won’t develop any new UTAU library
— P’undrak (@Phundrak) March 10, 2017
Character and vocal libraries
Here’s a copy and paste of some old pages describing KEINE Tashi:

Codename: BSUP01 恵音བཀྲ་ཤིས་ KEINE Tashi
First name: Tashi (བཀྲ་ཤིས་), Tibetan name meaning “auspicious”
Last name: Keine (恵音), Japanese name meaning “Blessing sound”. It reads as “keine”, although its regular reading should be “megumine”.
Model: BSUP (Bödkay Shetang UTAU Project)
Number: 01
Gender: male
Birthday (lore): June 28th, 1991
Birthday (first release): October 14th, 2012
Weight: 154 lb / 70 kg
Heigh: 6′0″ / 182 cm (very tall for a Tibetan)
Hair color: black
Eyes color: brown~black
Appearance: Tashi wears a modernized Tibetan suit from the Amdo Region (Chinese: 安多 Ānduō), colored in blue. He also wears some turquoise jeweleries.
Favorite food: meat momo (Tibetan raviolies)
Character item: a Tibetan manuscript
Voice and creator: Phundrak (me)
Likes : to meditate, calligraphy, old books, manuscripts (is that a self-insert?)
Dislikes: selfishness, lies, arrogance
Personality: Tashi is somebody very calm, sweet. He really enjoys old books and manuscripts, and he LOVES meditate! He’s never hungry, so, he can stay meditating for 2~3 days meditating, just like that, until he realizes that he should eat something. And he always keeps quiet, it’s really hard to make him angry.
But when he is, his anger becomes wrath. Anyone who experienced it can attest how complex and difficult it is to calm him down. Strangely enough, shortly after being confronted by Tashi, the victims of this wrath see their quality of life greatly improve. Maybe these people needed to hear some truths they refused to face before?
Vocal libraries
Download link:
Extension Size Link 7z 25.7 MiB DL tar.xz 32.5 MiB DL zip 38.0 MiB DL File size: 60.7 MB
Total uncompressed size: 94.4 MB
Number of voice phonemes: 1264 (253 audio files)
Average frequency: G#2
Vocal range: C2~D3
FRQ file presence: partial
Release date: October, 14th 2012
Phoneme encoding: Romaji with hiragana and CV romaji aliases
Supported languages: Japanese
oto.ini: Tuned myself
Recommended engines: TIPS, VS4U
JPN Extend Power
Download link:
Extension Size Link 7z 1.1Gio DL tar.xz 1.1Gio DL zip 1.2Gio DL File size: 114 MB
Total uncompressed size: 155 MB
Number of voice phonemes: 3020 (546 audio files)
Average frequency: C3
Vocal range: B1~D4
FRQ file presence: partial
Release date: June 28th, 2013
Phoneme encoding: Romaji (hiragana aliases)
Supported languages: Japanese
oto.ini: Tuned myself
Recommended engines: VS4U, world4utau
JPN Extend Youth
Download link:
Extension Size Link 7z 237.7Mio DL tar.xz 243.5Mio DL zip 268.7Mio DL File size: 36.9 MB
Total uncompressed size: 42.0 MB
Number of voice phonemes: 1954 (182 audio files)
Average frequency: C4
Vocal range: F#3~A#4
FRQ file presence: partial
Release date: June 28th, 2013
Phoneme encoding: Romaji (hiragana aliases, romaji added with the oto.ini update)
Supported languages: Japanese
oto.ini: Tuned myself
Recommended engines: fresamp, VS4U, world4utau
JPN Extend Native
- Status: abandonned
- Status: abandonned

- Status: abandonned
Usage clause and license
KEINE Tashi is released under the CC BY-SA-NC 4.0 license, meaning you are free to:
- use: make use of the vocal libraries in UTAU or any other singing vocal synthesizer software.
- adapt: remix, transform, and build upon the material
- share: copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
my work, on the condition of:
- Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
- NonCommercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
- ShareAlike: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
Although I cannot add anything to this legal notice, I would also like if you followed the following rules of thumb regarding this character: any religious use of this character and its vocal libraries is forbidden, except for folk music, and Buddhist and Bön songs. However, due to the current controversy, any song linked to His Holiness the Gyalwa Karmapa is strictly forbidden until said controversy has been officially resolved. This is also applicable to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Venerable Shamar Rinpoche, and Tai Situ Rinpoche. If you have any question or if you are unsure, please email me.